
Boyd Hill Nature Preserve highlight on the local news

I had the privilege of introducing Sal, the resident crested caracara (Caracara plancus) and teaching ambassador of the Bird of Prey aviary at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve in St. Petersburg, FL to local news network, Bay News 9. Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is a 245-acre, award-winning property that offers six miles of trails and boardwalks through a variety of habitats. These include hardwood hammocks, sand pine scrub, pine flatwoods, willow marsh, swamp woodlands, and lakeshores. As a designated preserve, it serves as a sanctuary for local flora and fauna, providing critical habitat for diverse species. The session can be found here (date: 2023-09-14) License Copyright 2018-present Austin M. Smith . Released under the MIT license.

WNNF 88.5 radio show invite

Dr. Kramer and I were invited to WMNF 88.5 radio show, “Sustainable Living”, where we discuss the impacts invasive avifauna have on Florida ecosystems. The session can be found here (date: 2023-07-31) License Copyright 2018-present Austin M. Smith . Released under the MIT license.

First post - a very brief introduction

Hello World! My name is is Austin, and welcome to my academic webpage! This is my [much delayed] first post, but to keep it short, I am an ecologist with a passion for analysis. Please navigate my page to learn more about me, my colleagues, and projects. I will continue to update my webpage as new material are produced, and to share some of my academic and personal endeavors. I hope you enjoy! License Copyright 2018-present Austin M. Smith . Released under the MIT license.